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What is Home Staging and Some Statistics about Staging



Staging is a process of neutralizing, decluttering, organizing, and beautifying a home that allows potential buyers to picture themselves living in the house by tapping into their emotions.  Staging will help you sell your home quickly at the best possible price.  Even if you’re just thinking about moving, it is never too early to start the staging process; you’ll get to enjoy your improvements for a while too.


Professional stagers assist homeowners by offering advice on clutter clearing, furniture placement, creating “emotion” settings, and much more. Stagers also offer an objective view of a home — a fresh eye and perspective.  Home stagers not only tell you what buyers are looking for in a new home but also which inexpensive improvements will add value to your home and which expensive improvements could be poor investments.


The key is understanding the mindset of the buyer. Home staging is not just decorating, it is positioning a product to be the most desirable.  Staging is actually about making the spaces in your home as appealing as possible to the widest range of prospective buyers. Sometimes it’s more about removing and rearranging the furnishings you already have and sometimes it’s about adding items to enhance a room.  Professional stagers are also trained in ideal furniture placement which will not only better showcase the home but will also help navigate buyers throughout the house.  You want the furniture to emphasize the architectural structure of each room while also guiding the buyer in the direction you want them to go.


Hiring a professional stager is a great investment, ensuring a quick and lucrative home sale. A prospective buyer generally makes a decision on whether to purchase a house within the first few minutes of walking through the front door. Staging your home for that first impression is crucial in today's demanding real estate market and home staging has been a proven marketing tool to help buyers visualize their new home in its full potential.  You will net more money from the sale of your home if it is professionally staged.  And the investment in home staging is just a small fraction of the total return you will realize from the increase in your equity proceeds.  


Here are some great reasons to stage your home.....


1.  You will make more money.  U.S. Housing and Urban Development reports that a staged home will sell, on average, 17%  higher than an un-staged home.  It can actually be less than 1% of it’s sales price and yet the potential increase in that same sales price for a professionally staged home is 5-20%.  You will net more money from the sale of your home if it is professionally staged.  And the investment in home staging is just a small fraction of the total return you will realize from the increase in your equity proceeds.


2.  Your home will sell faster.  The average number of days an un-staged home is on the market is 30.9 versus 13.9 for a staged home.  Also, staged homes sell 88% faster than unstaged homes.  


3.  Staging costs much less than a price reduction.  According to a National Association of Realtors survey, homes that sold after four weeks on the market sold for 6% less than ones within the first four weeks!  Don’t be in a position where you have to lower your price. Have your house staged first!


4.  Staging costs can be recovered.  In a Home Gain Survey of over 2000 realtors, it was discovered that sellers who spent typically $500 on staging services for their home recovered over 343% of the cost in the sale of their home.  Also, many improvements related to moving can be tax deductible including the fees for staging your home. 


5.  It is difficult for a home seller to view their house objectively.  (And if you can’t see objectively, you can’t package effectively.)  Hiring a staging professional gets your home into its most advantageous condition for showing.  Also, homebuyers have a difficult time visualing the potential of a home which is why staging a home is critical. You don’t want the advantages of your home overlooked and left up to the buyer’s imagination.


6.  Stand apart from the competition.  Right now the number of homes for sale on the market is high.  Competition is stiff and buyers have very high expectations.  Staging gives your property that competitive edge.



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